Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Day 7: Melaka to Kuala Lumpur

-Woke up early and had a very chatty taxi driver on the way to the bus station. He was pretty funny, saying he also lived in the states, Melaka state.

-We took a 2 hour bus ride up to Kuala Lumpur. Spent most of the time sleeping. The bus was freezing and kept playing weird music.

-Took the train to the hostel- Reggae Mansion- which is located in Chinatown... again. Nothing wrong with that, just seems to keep happening.

-We checked in and relaxed before heading out for some lunch. The hostel is nice, our room is freezing though and we don't have any windows. Could be worse!

-We went to the Central Market for lunch. It has a bunch of little stalls selling stuff and has a food court on the second floor. After eating we walked over to Merdeka Square, where Malaysia's independence was declared in 1957. However, we first stopped in the very boring Kuala Lumpur City Gallery. They were playing the Euro Cup on a huge screen on the square but only a couple of people were there watching it.

Central Market:

Merdeka Square flagpole:

-We then walked on over to Masjid Jamek, a mosque by the river. I had to get all dressed up for it. It was cool to see but not very big.

Marco being culturally sensitive and pretending to be a wizard (Expecto petronas! like the towers- Marco's joke:

Me in my new robes:

- We went back to the hostel fast and then took a train to the central city to meet up with David (our German friend from Melaka). He was staying at the Impiana, right by the Petronas Towers so we went swimming in the pool there.

At the pool with the Petronas Towers in the background:

- After swimming we went over to the ridiculous mall in the Petronas Towers to grab some dinner. I had some naan and Indian food. After eating we walked around the KLCC Park which was beautiful. There was another light/fountain show, this time to Titanic. The towers definitely look cooler at night.

The light/fountain show:

The towers at night:

-We then walked to the Rum Jungle, a bar close by, to get some drinks for Marco's birthday. There was a shark aquarium above the physical bar which was really cool. Marco took this ridiculous flaming shot.

Marco and his shot:

-We continued our night out in Bukit Bintang, an area that seemed frequented by expats. We stopped by a couple of bars there and made some friends before heading back to the hostel.

Us and our new random friends (David is the one in the blue shirt on the right):

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