Thursday, June 14, 2012

Day 1: Hong Kong

-Faj drove me to Heathrow after a teary goodbye with the family. My bag was not overweight (packing only 44lbs for 8 months is not an easy task). On the plane I spent my time sleeping and watching We Bought a Zoo.

View from the plane:

-After my 11 hour flight I waited for Marco at the airport who arrived 4 hours later than me. I spent my time eating Burger King and drinking Starbucks. I also participated in a survey about the luxury stores in Hong Kong airport (I did not notice that all of the clocks in the airport were luxury brands).

- Finally met up with Marco and we took the Airport Express to Kowloon. We stayed at the Homy Inn in Tsim Tsa Tsui. It actually turned out to be a great location (despite the tiny room). By the time we finally got there it was four hours later than we said we would be (ooops). Luckily the people were super nice and didn't seem to mind at all. We ended up just going to bed since we were pretty exhausted from all the traveling.

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