Saturday, July 14, 2012

Day 30: Thailand -> Myanmar

-The never ending night. We went back to the hostel around 2:30am and stayed awake until we left at 4:00am for our flight. It was a struggle not to fall asleep in the cab on the way there.

-Of course all of the exchange counters were open after our transaction fiasco. We were all freaked out for nothing. We had some Burger King for breakfast and I safely hand-carried on my bag with all of my liquids and pepper spray.

-Customs in Myanmar took a long time but we got through and met our guide. We were both still half delirious while we drove to the guesthouse and dealt with all the tour logistics. Each bill we gave to pay for the tour was scrutinized but Marco and I had done pretty well at getting new bills and only five or six were rejected. Anything we don't use here we'll exchange in Vietnam.

-We managed to check in early and napped and relaxed until 2pm. Then we were picked up for our first day of adventures.

-At 2pm we were picked up to go to Bogyoke Market, also known as Scott's Market and Aung Sun Market. I bought a couple of shirts. We then ate lunch at a place nearby. We had afternoon tea at the Strand hotel, the oldest hotel in Myanmar. Later we had a rickshaw ride along Mawtin Jetty. Everyone was staring at us and we saw almost no tourists. Saw Botataung Pagoda, complete with a sacred hair relic of Buddha. Then we walked around Chinatown for a bit. Head back to the hotel and ate at Feel, which had some questionable food.

Tea at the Strand Hotel:

Rickshaw ride:

Botataung Pagoda:

Near the sacred hair relic:

Down by the jetty:

Some local food at Feel:

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