Sunday, July 29, 2012

Day 45: Yangon to Bangkok to Hanoi

-After successfully using all of our kyat and flying to the Bangkok airport, we spent the whole day lounging around waiting for our flight in the evening. Marco and I are masters at killing time now, rotating between eating, playing cards, and reading our kindles. Kindles were the best thing we brought with us on the trip. I don’t have to worry about finishing my book because I have tons more right there at my fingertips. After weeks of fried noodles with chicken, both my lunch and dinner consisted of chicken nuggets and fries, and I drank diet coke galore (rare and very expensive in Myanmar).

-Once we finally made it to Hanoi and picked up our bags, which took forever, we took a cab to the hostel. I stayed at the same hostel on my last trip to Vietnam with Katie. It’s really busy and fun with tons and tons of backpackers. However, we got in so late that we went straight to bed. 

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