Friday, October 5, 2012

Di Zi Gui Chapter 3: 谨

This is the third chapter for students. 'Jin' is saying we should be wary in our behavior, we can't be reckless.

One should wake up early in the morning and go to sleep late. People's lives re very brief, in a flash one will go from young to old, so everyone should cherish the valuable time of now.

After rising from bed in the morning, one must wash his face and clean his teeth, after going to the bathroom, big or small [note: it actually says this], one must wish his hands. One should form a habit of these good hygiene customs when young.

One should wear ones hat straight and properly, his clothes should be buttoned, his socks and shoes should be worn orderly, and his shoes should be laced.

When one takes off his clothes and hat he should put it in a fixed place and shouldn't litter and dump them to avoid a mess of clothes.

When wearing expensive clothes they should be tidy and tasteful, and shouldn't be resplendent. Not only should they match ones position, they should also be suitable to ones condition.

Concerning food, one shouldn't be a fussy eater and shouldn't be partial to a particular kind of food, this could be bad for your nourishment. One should also stop eating things before going too far, one doesn't want to be excessive, it could harm one's taste.

When young one mustn't drink alcohol. Because if one is drunk a little even once, he can do some disgusting and revolting behaviors and lose face.

When walking one shouldn't bee too fast or too slow, allow ample time. When standing one should stand straight and upright. When greeting one should bow deeply and be respectful.

When entering a door, one shouldn't step on the threshold or lean on one leg. One shouldn't squat with his legs crossed, or shake his legs. Otherwise it will look like one hasn't been brought up.

When entering a door, one should slowly open curtains, and do all one can to not make a sound. When turning one should make wide turns, to avoid hitting the edges of things, and to avoid causing harm to oneself.

Even if one is holding an empty utensil, one should be as cautious as if it was full. When entering a room with no one, one should be as wary as if there was someone and not move.

One shouldn't be too hurried when doing things, if one is too hurried it is easy to make mistakes. One shouldn't be afraid of difficulties, and should press forward despite them. One also shouldn't be careless, even in small matters, one should treat them seriously.

On the occasion there is fighting, one should keep a distance and not approach. Even if it is unjust and unfair, one shouldn't concern oneself with it.

When preparing to enter someone else's home, one should knock first, then ask if anyone is there. Only after the people living there allow you to enter may you enter. When entering a hall, one should raise ones voice a little, in order to let people inside know you are there.

When people inside ask who it is, one should tell them your name. If you only reply "it's me"the other people can't really understand who it is.

When you want to borrow other people's things, you must ask them face to face, in order to ask for their permission. If you don't ask and use take the thing, this is just like stealing.

When borrowing other people's things, you should return it in the appointed amount of time, if you are late in retiring the things in the future they will not believe you. When other people want to borrow things from you, if you have the thing, you shouldn't be stingy.

1 comment:

  1. These are fantastic, my favorite "One shouldn't squat with his legs crossed, or shake his legs. Otherwise it will look like one hasn't been brought up."

    Lots of greta pictures too !
