Sunday, October 7, 2012

Scenes from Qiqihar Mid-Autumn Festival

Nothing too eventful happened in the last week so I figured I'd let some random pictures do the explaining.

No horse carriages or tractors at certain times:

Cooking Sarah's squid at the night market:

Sarah bravely eating the squid:

I wish I knew what this was supposed to say:

Making some cotton candy:

It looks like a bouquet of flowers!:

Michael trying out the nunchucks Sarah bought for her Halloween costume:

The car is Japanese, but the people, and islands, are Chinese. Japanese made cars are covered in pro-China stickers throughout the city:

Some fall shopping:

One of the more upscale malls here:

Leeks or onions drying outside. You see this throughout the city:

At the pet market:

Some weird salamander things for sale:

Fish on fish on fish:

I'm pretty sure this is the circuit breaker for the surrounding buildings:

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