Thursday, August 19, 2010

Day 4 - LAOS

hello all my favourite people! Last night was actually quite fun, considering we were sleeping in the Bangkok airport! Katie and I scouted out some seats and slept there until about 5:30am. Then the Bangkok Airways desk finally opened so we could get our boarding passes. With them we were allowed to  sit in the Bangkok Airways lounge which was nice - free wireless, coffee, tea, snacks mmmmm. We did some 'household chores' of catching up in our journals. They put out all this traditional Thai food and Katie and I tried all of it (all part of our "try-everything-to-an-extent-while-traveling-asia"). Needless to say we were not great fans.
Had some breakfast and we even reviewed some Chinese! Not as bad as we thought it would be! Then we headed to the plane which was so mini and colourful! We had some wine on the flight, just because we can. The views were amazing, just miles and miles of rolling green hills and mountains. After a couple of hours we landed in Laos, which is gorgeous!

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