Monday, November 1, 2010


Had Kouyu and Tingli class, we have our only Tingli exam on Thursday! So scary. Katie went to meet her parents to show them around campus.

I came home and caught up on a few things. I found out I win the Tufts Traveler Marketplace Photo Competition, exciting! It's a photo from a Cambodian market from Siem Reap. Katie came in with her parents, it was so nice to see them! There's something so comforting about having parents around! They had brought pumpkin bread and reeses- delicious. They then left to go see the Olympic buildings.

I took a nap before heading to our Intercultural Communications class. Ate some baozi, super yummy. It was a long class and I was happy for it to end. It's just hard to sit there knowing I have a Hanyu test tomorrow!

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