Tuesday, November 2, 2010


For Hanyu class our teacher gave us a review sheet, with new material, that was going to be on the quiz later that class. So yeaah, the test was just swell! After, Katie went to the subway to meet her parents at the silk market. I came home, made notecards, and watched Ugly Betty. I started studying for my Tingli exam- my goal of the day was to get through lessons 1-4.

At 3pm Rachel and I actually went to the gym! We were so proud of ourselves because usually Katie is our only motivator- we never go when she's not there! We did pass a guy who had been hit by a car while riding his bike. He was just laying in the middle of the road with a bunch of people around him, hope he was ok! The rest of the evening I spent doing work and finishing up other odds and ends.

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