Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Day 53: Hoi An Day 2

-After a late start and eating Marco and I headed to Yaly Couture for some serious suit shopping. I never realized how much went into making a suit: quality of fabric, the lining, the cut of the sleeves and shirts etc. A lady named Mai helped us out. All the ladies at the store wore the traditional dress of loose fitting pants and a kind of dress robe. I just sat back and did nothing while Marco got all situated.

Trying on a shirt:

-At 1pm we headed back to Café 43 for our cooking class with Katie and James. We made chicken with lemongrass, chicken curry, beef with ginger, and chicken spring rolls. They all tasted delicious and I wrote everything down so hopefully now I’ll actually be able to cook something!

Beautiful Hoi An:

-Later that afternoon Marco and James went motor biking while Katie and I had our nails done. It wasn’t a really manicure/pedicure as they didn’t even cut our nails, they just painted them. I wasn’t complaining though because it only cost $11 for both. I was happy Marco had someone to go with because I was trying to put off the inevitable day as long as I could. Luckily the guys didn’t crash on their adventures and made it safely home, unluckily leaving Marco eager to motorbike again. 

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