Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Day 76: Orientation Day 3

-Again, I'll leave out the boring details of orientation. The only thing you need to know if that I learnt I was leaving on Thursday, not Friday like previously expected. We also did some fake speed dating in our Chinese class. I was a broke driver who collected stamps on the side. What a catch.

-After lunch Bjorn and I performed our practice lesson on weather in front of our group. It went much faster than predicted so we didn't use all the time we had allotted. It was really hard standing up and making a fool out of yourself in front of all your peers. We survived though and received some valuable feedback in return.

-We then had a race to see which group could meet at this statue on the Bund first. I was really not into this racing aspect, especially because it was boiling hot out and I had just found out I was to leave tomorrow. We all made it around the same time and managed to squeeze in some picture taking of the Shanghai skyline.

The statue we met at and the Bund:

Me with some tourists in front of the Shanghai skyline:

-First up on the evening agenda was a river cruise. It was really cool to see all the buildings from the river, even though it was a little crowded on the boat. I was pretty busy stuffing myself with pizza since I have no idea if there's going to be any in Qiqihar. For some reason they provided us with about 20 bottles of Coke and nothing else.

Our boat for the night:

View from the boat:

I'm on a boat:

-We then walked over to the World Financial Center which was amazing. The building kind of looks like a big can opener and we were able to go all the way to the viewing platform at the very top, 474m high. The elevators were the funniest thing. They counted the elevation along with some strobe lights and interesting sound effects. It felt like we were in a mix of Tron and Willy Wonka. We were so thirsty at the top that we even bought the rip-off water that cost 6 kuai (about $1), a complete overcharge in China.

View on the walk to the Financial Center:

The Financial Center on the left, it's actually taller than the one on the right:

Elyzabeth and I at the top of the building:

View from the top:

-After staring at the gorgeous view we made our way back to the hotel around 10pm. After that I packed away getting ready for my journey to Qiqihar.

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