Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Day 75: Orientation Day 2

-After another early start it was another full day of orientation activities. I'll save all the boring details, and I pretty much covered the whole point of orientation: be flexible and patient.

-In the afternoon all of us (except the people from Chicago who's visas didn't arrive in time) boarded buses for an excursion to the Shanghai Museum. It wasn't exactly my favorite thing in the world, the stuff inside didn't interest me all too much. The funniest part was seeing this Asian man taking pictures of things in the most absurd positions, including a little booty shake into a squatting pose. Also the traditional outfit from Heilongjiang province, where I'll be teaching, was pretty much just thick furs. Good thing I remembered to pack all my furs.

Some cool characters at the museum:

I love Vallina and Smurfs flavor ice cream:

Cute little girl:

Elyzabeth checking out a really cool vase:

These boys were just too cute:

Traditional clothing from Heilongjiang Province:

The Shanghai Museum:

-We then headed to a very early dinner at a fishy smelling, sweltering restaurant. The food was interesting to say the least. We had a fun time guessing what everything was and trying bits and pieces when we dared.

Some oyster things at dinner:

The table:

-Last on the agenda for the evening was an acrobatic show. I had seen one in Beijing when I studied abroad, but this one was much more Cirque du Soleil like. It was amazing some of the things they could do, including having eight full speed motorcycles inside a little metal ball. I was completely zonked by the time the show was over. I met with Bjorn to finalize our lesson plan for the next day then completely crashed.

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