Sunday, August 26, 2012

Days 73: Shanghai

-I luckily received my passport in time to leave for my orientation in Shanghai! I'd never been before so was super excited about the chance to see the city. After almost missing my flight there, I arrived in Shanghai to some confused CIEE workers, who apparently didn't have my name on their list. After some calls they figured out that, yes, I was part of the program and lead me over to a waiting area. I met Elyzabeth and Shane who were both taking part and we boarded a mini-bus to Jiaotong University.

-We settled into our 'Faculty Club' hotel rooms for the week and then wandered out for some lunch. It was clear from the start that Shanghai was a very different city from Beijing. The buildings are lower and more spread out, but also they are a lot more Western looking. The whole city has a much more Western vibe than Beijing. It's almost like a mix between Hong Kong and Paris. We ended up on a  random road and had some delicious pho for lunch. My extremely rusty Chinese slowly started to emerge again. Let's just say you wouldn't know I've been studying it for four years.

An art museum we went into:

Lunch, for real:

Lights I liked at lunch (for you mum):

A really cute street somewhere in Shanghai:

Wifi telephone booths?:

-On the first evening there we were on our own for food and such. Elyzabeth and I wandered around Shaanxi Rd, eventually finding a cute little bakery where I had a couple pieces of pizza. We then headed back and went to bed early before officially starting orientation tomorrow.

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