Monday, October 11, 2010

Back to Class and Errands

Back to early starts and 8am classes. 汉语 and 口语. So long! At 12 we were finally free again. I then skyped with Marco and ran some errands. Went to the bank, picked up some food, and picked up my package at the CIEE office!

It was so exciting! Marco sent me the best package ever. It had the pens that I use for my journal (only 2 of them are still working), highlighters with sticky notes, Frosted Flakes and Rice Krispies! It also had some photos (since I didn't bring any) and some lovely post-it's. It put me in the best mood for the rest of the day. Really didn't know that pens and cereal would make me that happy!!

Spent the rest of the evening typing out my essay for Hanyu and studying for more tingxie's. We went to grab jianbing's for dinner, and then had our seminar class at 5:30pm. It was immediately amazing because our teacher bought Godiva biscuits from the U.S. It really is interesting realizing how communication between cultures can have such a significant impact on business deals and companies. Our teacher was saying how if you want to do anything international these days, being culturally aware is a must.

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