Sunday, October 3, 2010


I actually caught up in my journal this morning! So exciting. Of course I did nothing but that until 2pm but it feels so good!

At 4:30ish Heather, Katie, and I took the subway over to HoHai. Actually it wasn't HoHai, but it was a 15 minute walk away. We walked over to the main hutong, looking at some stores on the way. Did some strolling and looking in stores for a while. I found a pair of sweatpants that say Marco right on the front. They are the funniest things, they were only 65 kuai so I had to get them!

My Marco pants:

I suddenly got quite hungry, which means I suddenly became grumpy as well. All the places on the street were cafe's though! We couldn't find any restaurants. Eventually found a little place where I ordered some breakfast food, always a good turn to when you're not sure what to order. We wandered around a little more then I headed home. Katie and Heather went to Wudaokou for a little bit. I just wanted to curl up in bed and read my book.

p.s. I just realized I didn't need to title my posts with dates, it says it right above it. Wow.

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