Sunday, October 10, 2010

The Weekend

We arrived to a very smoggy Beijing around 11am. We basically sprinted to get a cab. The moment I got home I jumped in the shower- I even washed my hair twice I felt so dirty. I spent the rest of the day unpacking, doing washing, journaling and editing photos. It was my no homework day. I did go to the gym though. In the evening Katie and I watched 500 Days of Summer, such a good movie, and had a lovely skype conversation with Marco before heading to bed.

Had a charming little chat with the family. Mum, Dad, Imi, and India (Jamie's currently on his African safari- I don't feel too bad). Afterwards, Heather, Rachel, Katie, and I went to the Bridge Cafe to do our immense amount of homework for Monday. Katie and I ran into a girl from Tufts who was in our Chinese class! She's doing a different program here though. It's still so funny to see someone from such a different part of your life, in the new one your leading. Had a delicious American breakfast and hot chocolate for $6USD. The best. Around 4pm we headed back home. I watched some Ugly Betty and studied.

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