Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Cafe Day

Today Katie and I decided to go to the Bridge Cafe in Wudaokou. We spent the day catching up in our journals, doing some homework and eating delicious food. French toast, eggs, bacon, potatoes for breakfast. Mmmm. I also skyped with a sleepy Marco for a while.

We took a break to go to the travel agency to find about our Mongolia trip tomorrow. We still hadn't heard anything. So we used our basic Chinese skills to figure out the general plan. Our train leaves tomorrow at 9pm, but we have to leave at 6pm. Nice late start to the trip.

Went back to the Bridge to  grab a late lunch. Had a caesar salad- vegetables!!!! And a chocolate chip muffin. So yum. We then headed back home to the dorm and lazed around. I even played some Nancy Drew, the best. Now I'm watching Ice Age 3 and then I'm off to bed!

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