Wednesday, October 20, 2010

More Studying

Highlights of the day:

-Forgot to write riddles for Hanyu class, ooops.

-Drinking two Nescafe coffee things- they're so good! But way too small.

-Had some white chocolate Pocky, so good. According to this it's actually white fudge.

-Our program had Chinese table, so we went to a Korean restaurant and had an amazing lunch!

-Asked Chandler, one of the young employees, if he had heard about Twilight, and tried to describe vampires and werewolves in Chinese.

-Called in to Marco's radio show.

-Did something weird to my neck, it hurt.

-Came back home and our dorm was flooding! We stepped off the elevator on the 5th floor (where we live) and there was an inch of water covering the floor. It was dripping all down the stairs also. It can't be safe at all!

-Tried the new Jianbing place for dinner- you can use your meal card!

A jianbing:

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