-First 8am class today. It was koyou (speaking) and wasn't bad at all. Also super easy. Afterwards we had our Hanyu class again. Also too easy. We had a tingxie and I remembered all the character's which was good.
-After class the others headed to the dining hall, I decided just to eat some instant noodles and relax in the room. I was not in the mood to fight for a table in a massive swarm of people. I caught up on stuff, and even made notecards for the rest of the lesson, what a good student!
-At 1:30pm we met to go to the Summer Palace- well those of us that wanted to go. It's four times bigger than the Forbidden City, insane! They built it 18km from Beijing (that's what number's popping into my head). It was built so the royal family had somewhere to go when the weather was super hot. Because it surrounds a big manmade lake it's cooler than the city center.
- Our tourguide was much better for this trip. The palace has been burnt down two times and rebuilt. 'Dragon Lady' ordered this rebuilding. She had been the Emperor's favourite concubine when he was alive, and for many years basically ruled China through the young puppet kings she placed on the throne. She even placed the last emperor, like the movie, on the throne. We heard some great 'Dragon Lady' stories.
-We walked around for several hours. It really was so beautiful, I'll add some pictures soon! Then we got the bus back home where I power napped.
-Katie and I ran some errands. We went to the bank, refilled our meal cards, and bought some bananas. Very productive.
-Dinner was a disaster. We ended up in this huge group of twelve people trying to eat at a Chinese restaurant on a Friday night. Not happening. Eventually we had to be those mean people who left the group so something would finally happen. We ended up going to McDonalds. Classy. We went back to the dorm to eat and then headed over to the hotel to meet up with everybody else.
-We were going to explore a new area to go out in, but the subway was already closed and we didn't want to spend 60 kuai on a cab. Instead (after finally getting a cab- also an incredibly long task) we went to this place Pyro's and played beer pong and ate pizza. Such an American night.
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