Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Monday Sept 6th: Placement Tests and Walmart

-Today we had the dreaded placement test in the morning. It was two hours long. The first section was listening where they only said everything once! The rest was multiple choice. I guessed on every question. No joke. My essay was 2 sentences long because I didn't have time to write more. Basically I failed!

-After we had Peking University Orientation. It was in Chinese, so we all know how much I paid attention. I ended up playing Pinyin hangman with Rachel.

-Welcome Luncheon: All the directors of the program gave speeches, in Chinese. I tried to listen! The food was pretty good. I only eat carbs here though. Really need to work on that.

-Expedition to WalMart: stressful. We were planning on five or six people total coming with us, instead we had about 12. I somehow ended up leading us around. We got off at the right stop, then were convinced it was the wrong stop, so went to the next one. But I was right the first time. All in all, very stressful, lots of people disagreeing about what to do. BUT we found it eventually. WalMart here is huge. It was around four floors and had the funniest stuff. We walked in to a t-shirt saying "If you can read this make me a sandwich." Nice. So we stocked up on some food and other necessities before heading back to school.

-Had delicious baozi for dinner. It's kind of like a big dumpling stuffed with food. I had the shucai one, vegetable one. It was so so so good. Definitely one of my favourite new Chinese foods. Although they dip it in garlic here? I wasn't the biggest fan of that.

-Had a little party in our room before heading to the hotel to meet up with people there. Tried Baijiu, not the best, at all. We all then headed over to Wudaokou for another night out. This time the very drunk Chinese man told me I looked like a Spice Girl. I kind of like this game. So we didn't stay out as late and headed back around 1:30am where we skyped with Marco and Beede!

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